Paid Parental Leave
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Paid Parental Leave
Introduced April 1, 2017, Baylor University’s Paid Parental Leave Policy gives parents time and flexibility to bond with their new child(ren) and to foster work-life balance that is vital to families’ capacity to flourish. Informed by Baylor’s Christian commitment to cultivate a caring community, this policy enhances a robust benefits package for Baylor staff.
This benefit is available to Eligible Employees immediately upon their employment with Baylor University. Please email for eligibility criteria.
Up to six (6) weeks (240 hours) of Paid Parental Leave for Eligible Employees. Paid Parental Leave will be available following a Qualifying Event, (birth, placement of child for adoption, placement of child for foster care), and must be used within 12 weeks of the Qualifying Event. Paid Parental Leave will be available one time within a rolling 12 month period, which commences on the date of the Qualifying Event.
How to Apply
To apply for Paid Parental leave:
- Eligible Employees should give notice to their supervisor or department head by completing a Request for Paid Parental Leave form. Paid Parental Leave may be applied with notification, otherwise, the absence will be recorded as non-worked hours.
- Once approved by the supervisor or department head, the completed Request for Paid Parental Leave form should be submitted to Human Resources.
If you have applied for FMLA, the documentation provided will be used to verify eligibility, otherwise, the following will be required.
- Proof of a newborn child’s birth will be required when an Eligible Employee applies for Paid Parental Leave for the birth and care of a newborn child.
- An authorized placement document will be required when an Eligible Employee applies for Paid Parental Leave for Adoption.
- A signed placement order will be required when an Eligible Employee applies for Paid Parental Leave for Foster Care.
To validate an absence, appropriate documentation may be required at any time if requested by the supervisor, department head, Human Resources, or Payroll.
- Who is eligible for Paid Parental Leave?
Please email for eligibility criteria.
- Do you have to be employed at Baylor for a certain amount of time before being eligible for Paid Parental Leave?
Eligible Employees are able to request Paid Parental Leave immediately upon employment.
- What can Paid Parental Leave be used for?
The purpose of Paid Parental Leave is to allow for bonding time following childbirth or initial placement of a child for adoption or foster care.
- My birth, adoption or foster child placement happened prior to April 1, 2017. Am I eligible for Paid Parental Leave?
Paid Parental Leave is for qualifying events that occurred on or after April 1, 2017.
- Is there a certain timeframe in which the 6 weeks (240 hours) of Paid Parental Leave must be taken?
Paid Parental Leave must be taken within 12 weeks following a qualifying event, (birth, finalized adoption, placement of child for foster care).
- Must the 6 weeks (240 hours) for Paid Parental Leave be taken all at once?
Paid Parental Leave can be taken all at once or intermittently.
- How do I apply for this benefit?
A completed and signed Request for Paid Parental Leave form and other required documentation should be submitted to Baylor Human Resources.
- Will my employment or benefits status be affected if I take Paid Parental Leave?
You will remain on full pay status while on Paid Parental Leave.
- How do I record my time taken for Paid Parental Leave?
For bi-weekly and monthly staff, Paid Parental Leave is tracked on Ignite and is maintained by the Payroll Office.
- What happens if a holiday falls during my Paid Parental Leave?
If an official University holiday occurs during the Eligible Employee’s Paid Parental Leave, the Eligible Employee will receive holiday pay in lieu of paid parental leave, provided the Eligible Employee is in pay status the day before and the day after the official University holiday.
- My spouse and I are both employed at Baylor. Do we both get 6 weeks (240 hours) of Paid Parental Leave or must we share this time between the two of us?
Both you and your spouse will each be given 6 weeks (240 hours) of Paid Parental Leave individually.
- The FMLA allows me up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for the birth or adoption/foster of a child. Can I use Paid Parental Leave to extend that time?
Paid Parental Leave will run concurrently with FMLA, therefore, it will not extend FMLA leave.
- May I donate any of my unused Paid Parental Leave to another employee at Baylor?
Paid Parental Leave may not be donated to other employees at Baylor.
- Who should I call if I have questions about the Paid Parental Leave benefit?
For questions, please call Human Resources at 710-2000 or email Baylor Human Resources at
- If I get married and adopt my spouse’s children am I eligible for Paid Parental Leave?
Adoptions of your spouse’s children are not eligible for this benefit.