Staff Teaching
In This Guide
- Quick Facts
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Steps to Authorize Staff Teaching
- Considerations for Overload Pay
- Resources
Quick Facts
- Baylor will only employ staff members to teach courses when the teaching need cannot be met by hiring a lecturer who is not currently employed at the University.
- Staff members may teach no more than one three credit hour course per semester.
- Eligible & qualified staff members may teach no more than three credit hours per semester and must be preapproved as detailed in the Staff Teaching Policy.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why are staff limited in their ability to teach?
Teaching can place added stress and strain on the performance of your normal job responsibilities.
- Can I request opportunities to teach as a way to supplement my current salary?
No. The Dean of a school or college, or their representative that is requesting a staff member teach a class shall obtain approval from the primary department supervisor and authorization from the Provost’s Office. Business Officers from both the home/primary department and the teaching department should approve of any non-exempt staff teaching due to the potential of unexpected additional costs. This process must be completed in advance and without solicitation by a staff member.
Steps to Authorize Staff Teaching
- The dean of the requesting school or college must have authorization (at least annually, no later than June 1) before proposing that a staff member teach certain course(s) for the upcoming academic year by completing the Staff Teaching Request & Authorization Form (STRA).
- Authorizations must have the signature of all of the below persons:
• the staff member’s supervisor (if other than department head);
• Business Office;
• Academic Department Chair;
• Academic Business Officer;
• dean;
• And the provost & VP for Academic Affairs. - The request for staff teaching must include:
• the semester(s) and number of hours of the course and/or lab by semester;
• course days/time;
• and amount of overload pay proposed.
Considerations for Overload Pay
The request for approval must be done each semester, to include a review of the number of hours for the course, the course time, and the amount of pay. Any additional pay proposed should not exceed the base lecturer/adjunct rate of pay set by the academic department or the particular discipline and course. Other situations that may arise will be handled on an exception basis (the appropriate Human Resources Consultant will be contacted to request exceptions).
If the staff member is non-exempt (paid hourly) then the additional pay will be an hourly rate for the expected number of hours per week during the semester. The expected number of hours worked will include preparation hours and time teaching. The staff member’s home department and the faculty department must keep in mind that the additional teaching will cause overtime pay for the employee.