Core Commitments
The Core Commitments outline expectations which foster Baylor's caring community.
Commit to Baylor's Christian Mission and Vision
By committing to Baylor’s mission and vision, we respect the University’s values and engage in supporting the University’s goals through our work.
Key Attributes: Integrity, Organizational Commitment
Pursue Excellence Through Continuous Improvement
In pursuit of excellence, we continuously seek opportunities to improve processes and quality of work.
Key Attributes: Adapt to Change, Creativity & Innovation, Problem-Solving, Quality Focus
Serve Others Respectfully
We create a welcoming experience for the entire Baylor family and its constituents by providing excellent service to students, parents, and community members, as well as internal and external colleagues.
Key Attributes: Constituent Service, Communicate Effectively
Account for Stewardship of Time, Resources, and Self
We allocate time, efforts, and University funds in a manner that supports best the fulfillment of the University’s mission and manages the risks to the University.
Key Attributes: Discernment, Deliver Results, Plan & Organize
Seek Learning and Apply Knowledge
We develop career goals and pursue learning to continuously improve performance and prepare for future roles and responsibilities.
Key Attributes: Continual Learning, Professional Knowledge
Build Relationships and Work Collaboratively
The overall employment experience and effectiveness of the University reaches its fullest potential when we work collaboratively within our units and more broadly within the University through relationships built on trust.
Key Attributes: Relationship Management, Respect Diversity, Teamwork & Collaboration