Move2BU Volunteer Sign Up

The class of 2025 is by far the largest incoming class Baylor has ever seen. They need our help! Please consider being a part of their journey and volunteer three hours to help by directing traffic, carrying bags and boxes, or serving as a greeter or part of the welcome party.
You may sign up for one or more of the Move2BU blocks. Each person must sign up individually. It can be done by one person in the department, but still must be done for each person. The deadline for volunteer sign-up is August 10.
This year will be a blend of the traditional Move2BU experience and some of the lessons and best practices learned from last year.
Unassisted Move-In: August 15-17
There will be three days of unassisted move-in. Those who choose this option will sign up for a time slot on either Sunday (8/15) or Monday (8/16) or Tuesday (8/17). These days there will not be altered traffic patterns or parking restrictions; but there will be an unusually high volume of traffic on campus around the residence halls.
Assisted Move-In: August 18-19
For the more traditional Move2BU experience, incoming students will have a time slot assigned to then on either Wednesday or Thursday (Aug 18-19) in the morning between 7:30am and 1:00pm. These mornings will require parking lot closures and altered traffic patterns.
A few safety items to note:
- Student volunteers may wear a Baylor shirt with student organization designation but must sign up and receive an identifiable wristband.
- Staff and faculty volunteers and individuals not affiliated with a student group will wear the 2021 Baylor Move2BU shirt.
- Water and snacks will be available for volunteers along with medical attention.
There are five areas faculty and staff could help with:
- ATC – Directing vehicles and/or volunteers – outside of halls or at Ferrell Center
- BAGS – Carrying bags or boxes from vehicles to rooms
- GATE AGENT – Greeter or Check-in or Door Holder at Residence Halls
- WELLNESS AGENT – Assisting volunteers and parents with Water, First Aid or Directions
- SNACK PATROL – Will provide individually wrapped snacks for volunteers and parents.
If you have a question regarding Move2BU volunteering, please email Inquiries will be answered within 48 hours.