Wellbeing News
Learn more about upcoming events and resources for Baylor Wellbeing such as a safe driving competition, virtual appointments, investment advice, a digital weight-loss program, and more. See below for the most recent offerings.
VirtualCheckupTM brings everything to you. Request your Home Kit soon!
VirtualCheckupTM Home Kits are available from Catapult Health. Remember that there will be no onsite checkups this year. Please go to VirtualCheckup.com/Baylor now through June 11 and request your VirtualCheckupTM Home Kit.
VirtualCheckupTM is offered at no cost to all employees and spouses who are enrolled in our BCBS health plan. If you participated in a Catapult checkup in the past, a year-to-year results comparison is included in your checkup. If you have not participated yet, what are you waiting for?
Catapult Health VirtualCheckupTM Informational Flier
Investment Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Are you uncomfortable making investment decisions? Are you worried you might make a mistake? Join Brian Eichler, Paul Bock and Debra Gates from the CAPTRUST Advice & Wellness Team, for a discussion around how you can avoid some of the most common investing mistakes and become more confident as you save and invest for your future. SAVE ME A SEAT
Safe2Save Safe Driving Competition
The competition will kick-off on May 31 and end on July 2. During this 5 week competition, we will randomly give away an Air Fryer during weeks 1, 3, and 5. During 2019, 140 people participated in the Safe2Save competition.
Ever wonder what it would be like to lose weight and have more energy?
WondrTM is a skills-based digital weight loss program offered to employees who are enrolled in the Baylor University group health plan. Space is limited. Registration closes on May 30.
View Informational Flier for WondrTM
Are you drinking enough water?
If your answer is that your sweet tea contains water, then you may just not like the taste of water. That’s okay. Try these recipes to make sure that your body is getting the water that it needs to function properly.