Adoption & Foster Seminar

On October 6, Baylor was recognized on the Dave Thomas Foundation's 2022 Best Adoption-Friendly WorkplacesTM list. We were ranked No. 2 nationally among U.S. education institutions, behind only Yale and ahead of New York University, Emory University and Northwetern College. This recognition is given to education institutions that offer the best overall adoption and foster care benefits for faculty and staff through paid parental leave and financial assistance for adoption-related expenses. These adoption assistance and parental leave benefits not only align with our Christian mission, but they reflect our deep commitment to supporting and strengthening families by providing Baylor faculty and staff with a supportive work environment that helps their families flourish. In an effort to provide faculty and staff with information regarding adoption and foster care assistance and processes, we will host the following seminar:
Adoption & Foster Care Seminar
On Tuesday, December 13 from 6:00pm till 8:00pm in the Clifton Robinson Tower, Suite 200 (2nd floor, HR Training Room) an informative seminar will be presented by Baylor Human Resources along with Nightlight Christian Adoptions and Arrow Child & Family Ministries. During this seminar, you will learn about:
- Eligibility requirements
- Process timeframe (foster to adopt and adoption)
- Costs for each program
- Information on children waiting to be placed in homes, both in the US and abroad
- Baylor adoption and paid parental leave benefits
- Families sharing their own journeys bringing a child into their home through adoption or foster care
Snacks and beverages will be served.
If you have any questions about the adoption or paid parental leave benefits as well as the upcoming seminar, please email