Emergency Procedure Reminders for Persons with Disabilities
The beginning of the academic year is a good opportunity for the entire campus community to take a few minutes to refresh themselves to emergency procedures. As new students, faculty and staff join the Baylor family, there may be circumstances—permanent or temporary—that may lead an individual to request additional accommodations or services including in emergency situations. Baylor's safety and security programs are multi-tiered ranging from emergency shelter-in-place and evacuation placards near elevators and stairwells, fire protection systems (e.g., strobes and audible alarms), and a multi-tiered emergency communication system (e.g., Baylor Alert text, email; outdoor and indoor notification system; postings on official University websites and social media accounts).
Need additional information on accommodations?
Students with disabilities can coordinate with the Office of Access and Learning Accommodation (OALA) and faculty and staff can learn about requesting an accommodation or reach out to their respective Human Resources Consultant for more information. Copies of a building's Emergency Shelter-In-Place and Evacuation Placards can be accessed online on Baylor University Department of Public Safety website.