Upcoming Manager Development Classes

July 12, 2023

On August 18, we are offering two different Leadership Lessons via Teams: Leadership Presence from 9:00am - 10:30am and Communicating as a Leader from 1:00pm - 2:30pm.

Leadership Lessons: Leadership Presence
This 90-minute class looks at the impact leaders can and do have on others and focuses on being intentional about how leaders show up and lead and influence in all directions, even upward. 9:00-10:30am via Teams. Click the linked class title to sign up in Ignite.

Leadership Lessons: Communicating as a Leader
This short class looks at the additional communication demands leaders face, how to be intentional about communication, and ways leaders can communicate even more effectively. 1:00-2:30pm via Teams. Click the linked class title to sign up in Ignite.