
To help make managing and leading your team easier, HR provides numerous toolkits and guides on the Baylor HR website. Topics include: employee development, recruiting, performance management, compensation, and employee transition and exit. Click the headline of this article to see some of the more popular tools.

What does it mean for a manager to be just? It means to give those who report to you what you owe them: your service. Click on the headline of this article to read more from Rev. Malcolm B. Foley, Ph.D.

Baylor faculty, staff and retirees are invited to a Christmas Reception in Barfield Drawing Room on November 29, 2023 at 5:00pm to celebrate the season. In the spirit of the season, we encourage gifts to the Baylor Compassion Fund, providing financial relief to eligible members of the Baylor Family who have experienced a qualified hardship due to an unforeseen or unavoidable financial emergency. Giving is optional and available through the registration link.

There are tax advantages to saving within your retirement plan. Your money has the potential to grow through the power of compounding interest. You can contribute up to $23,000 annually to your retirement account—or up to $30,500 if you’re 50 or older for the 2024 year.

Looking to change your life in just one month? Consider taking this RightNow Media@Work 30-Day Challenge: journey on the road to significance. This video course on RightNow Media from Dr. John C. Maxwell provides one short video each day for 30 days to help you be even more intentional in your life. RightNow Media is an extensive video library with access on demand from your TV, computer, tablet, or phone. While this resource is completely optional, you are encouraged to register, log in, and explore all that’s available. Learn more at our RightNow Media webpage.

CAPTRUST Financial Advisors is the independent advisory firm that works with the Baylor Retirement Plan at no cost to you. This free resource gives you the opportunity to meet with an advisor individually for general retirement and financial planning advice, investment education and advice, and a Retirement Blueprint®. Read this testimonial from Endalk Tulu, current Baylor staff member, to learn about his experience using CAPTRUST.

As part of Baylor’s campuswide Spiritual Wellbeing initiative, the Spiritual Wellbeing Leave was implemented beginning September 1, 2023. All eligible Baylor staff received 8 hours per year of time off dedicated to use for purposes of Spiritual Wellbeing. In the last 3 months, staff have taken over 1,700 hours of this time to support their spiritual health. The holidays often offer opportunities for spiritual renewal through a variety of activities. Read this testimonial from Elida Garza, current Baylor staff member, on how Spiritual Wellbeing gave her an opportunity to engage in her community.

Spring 2024 semester is fast approaching, please take steps now to ensure you are ready for student worker hiring. In this article you'll find various request forms, guides, and information on the FWS Student Worker Wages Reimbursement Incentive.

See which of your peers have been nominated for their "above and beyond" service in the month of October! Salutes may be submitted by colleagues, students or parents throughout the year. Nominate someone today!

The University will observe Thanksgiving with a break from November 22-24, 2023. Biweekly employees, please pay special attention to timecard entries and submissions during this pay period. Managers, please pay special attention for any approvals needed. Review the Timecards During University Closures Guide for assistance.

Leading and influencing change is crucial for improving results, processes, quality, safety, service, and constituent satisfaction. This 2-day course (December 8 & 15, 2023) teaches influence skills and strategies for changing behavior. Register today. View more available professional development courses online and register through the Ignite Learn Module.

Join us on November 16, 2023, for the Caring for Caregivers: A Conversation on Compassion webinar through In this webinar, best-selling author Kate Washington, Ph.D. and award-winning author Jody Gastfriend, LICSW, will discuss the unique challenges caregivers face during the holidays. Register today. Learn more about with this Membership FAQ document.

Starting December 1, 2023, Baylor University will transition to using Optum Health as the Employee Assistance Program provider. In this program, eligible employees and their household family can easily connect with benefits such as counseling sessions, legal and financial support, parenting/childcare support, and elder care information - all at no cost to you. Optum Health's Live and Work Well program will be available around the clock, from the convenience of your desk or the comfort of your home. More information coming soon!

On November 8, 2023, Baylor was recognized by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption as one of the nation's top education institutions offering robust adoption benefits. On November 14, 2023 from 6-8pm in Foster 107 or via Zoom, an informative seminar will be presented by Baylor Human Resources along with local adoption and foster care providers. Register today. Learn about the adoption and foster care processes and the adoption assistance benefits Baylor offers to eligible Baylor faculty and staff. Visit the Adoption Assistance Program webpage for more info.
See which of your peers have been nominated for their "above and beyond" service in the month of October! Salutes may be submitted by colleagues, students or parents throughout the year. Nominate someone today!

Please join us on Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 11:00am in the Paul W. Powell Chapel at Truett Seminary for a service of prayer and worship at Lift Up Your Hearts. A complimentary fellowship luncheon for faculty and staff will follow in the Great Hall. Registration is now open.

This fall's Faculty and Staff Chapel will be at 11:00am on Wed. November 1, 2023, in Powell Chapel at Truett Seminary. The service will be led by Dr. Emmanuel Roldan, Senior Pastor of Primera Iglesia Bautista de Waco. Faculty and Staff Chapel was established last November as part of Baylor’s campuswide Spiritual Wellbeing initiative.

Baylor Athletics recognizes the impact our faculty and staff have on our student-athletes. As such, you are invited to attend the annual SACE Tailgate on Saturday, November 4, 2023 at the Mattson Tent outside of McLane Stadium prior to the start of the Baylor vs. Houston game. This FREE tailgate is co-sponsored by the BFSA. Please RSVP by Friday, November 3, 2023 before 3:00pm. Additionally, faculty and staff can purchase $15 tickets using the Promo Code: THANKYOU. Sic 'em!

Join TIAA for a Pre-Retirement Webcast Series with a great line-up of empowering sessions that can help you adopt a savings lifestyle, invest for the long term, avoid pitfalls that can sabotage your savings, plan carefully before retiring, and get help with your planning. Register today. A friendly reminder that you can visit to access additional retirement education resources. You can also learn more about retirement at Baylor by visiting

Wanting to develop better habits? This in-person class, based on the bestselling book by Charles Duhigg, uses the latest science in habit formation to teach how habits work and how to develop great habits for improved performance. View available classes and register today

Faculty who are interested in participating in the Faculty Retirement Program must submit interest via the online form by November 15, 2023. Additional information on the program retirement dates of May 2025 or May 2026 are available online.

On Tuesday, November 14, 2023 from 6:00pm till 8:00pm in the Foster 107 an informative seminar will be presented by Baylor Human Resources along with local adoption and foster care providers. Register today. Learn about the adoption and foster care processes and the adoption assistance benefits Baylor offers to eligible Baylor faculty and staff. Visit the Adoption Assistance Program webpage for more info.

As Mental Health Awareness Month at Baylor comes to a close, please know that faculty and staff have access to mental health resources year-round. Any time of the year is a good time to review mental health resources that are available to you and supported by Baylor. To learn more about these resources, visit the Faculty & Staff Mental Health Resources webpage.

As an employer, Baylor University provides annual notices on various topics to keep you informed. These notices are provided for awareness of options, laws, and resources. You can view these notices online at your convenience. Questions regarding these notices can be emailed to

Baylor University spotlights mental health in October. At your next team meeting, be sure to mention that employees have access to these resources. Make sure your team knows where to find support. Additionally, taking the Mental Health First Aid class is also a great way for employees to support one another.

As a manager, you will likely come across a scenario where either a prospective or current employee will cite market data as their justification for a proposed wage increase. The information they are citing is what’s referred to as “crowdsourced data”. Most often, crowdsourced data comes from free public-facing platforms and forums such as Click on the headline of this article to learn more.

We have recently added two more optional tools to the Manager Toolkits & Guides webpage ( : an Individual Development Plan (IDP) template and a Feedback Tracking Document. Click the headline of this article to learn more.

The Bible tells us “A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.” - Proverbs 15:13 (NIV). When you are experiencing anxiety, how do you find your joy again and renew your spirit? This month, we continue with the 6-part series Managing Anxiety: Yours & Theirs by Steve Cuss. Session 5, The Life Giving List, focuses on identifying the things in your life that give you joy to help manage anxiety. Click on the headline of this article to learn more.

Since the pandemic, the World Health Organization found that anxiety and depression have increased by 25 percent. As a manager it is not your job to diagnose mental health disorders in employees however you can foster an environment where employees who report experiencing anxiety feel supported. Click on the headline of this article for helpful manager tips.

Over the course of the next year, Rev. Malcolm B. Foley, Ph.D. will be investigating the virtues and how they integrate into the lives and work of managers at Baylor, especially in caring for a diverse workforce. This month: Humility. Click on the headline of this article to read more.

As leaders, we are often pulled in many different directions on a daily basis. We are tasked with deadlines and heavy workloads and can often get focused on getting as much done as possible in the workday. Leading with this approach can often cause feelings of stress and anxiety, as well as have a negative impact on the quality of work we are completing. Click on the headline of this article to learn some tools to help you optimize the workday.

See which of your peers have been nominated for their "above and beyond" service in the month of September! Salutes may be submitted by colleagues, students or parents throughout the year. Nominate someone today!

The University acknowledges October as Mental Health Awareness Month. This is a friendly reminder to review mental health resources that are available to you and supported by Baylor. To learn more about these resources, visit the Faculty & Staff Mental Health Resources webpage.

This fall’s Faculty and Staff Chapel will be at 11 a.m. on Wed., Nov. 1, in Powell Chapel at Truett Seminary. The service will be led by Dr. Emmanuel Roldan, Senior Pastor of Primera Iglesia Bautista de Waco. Faculty and Staff Chapel was launched in 2022 as part of President Linda Livingstone’s campuswide Spiritual Wellbeing initiative.

There was a great turn out for the 2023 Baylor Faculty & Staff Appreciation Night this past weekend. Thank you to Baylor Advancement Our Baylor. Our Call to Lead., all the Baylor ERGs, and Staff Council for their sponsorship of various areas at the event as well as all the student volunteer helpers. Seeing our Baylor Family enjoy a casual, fun-filled evening with their families at Touchdown Alley and McLane Stadium was special. Thank you for all you do for Baylor University. Sic 'em Bears!
Two of our most popular professional development classes, Getting Things Done (GTD) and Power of Habit are being offered this fall. Click the title for more information and to register.
Christ’s great commandments all include the command to love. But what does that mean for a manager?
Managers of biweekly (hourly) staff and/or student workers are required to complete certain tasks by the designated deadlines in order to insure timely and accurate payment to employees. Click on the headline of this article to review these tasks.
In an effort to streamline and ensure all necessary tasks have been completed, we have created a new Transfer Journey. This Journey will be assigned by HR when an employee transfers from one position to another.
The Bible tells us “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" - Matthew 6:27 (NIV) Do you recognize the areas in which you are carrying anxiety and it isn’t serving you well? This month, we continue logging into RightNow Media with the 6-part series Managing Anxiety: Yours & Theirs by Steve Cuss. Session 4, Universal Sources of Anxiety, focuses on the internal and external universal sources of anxiety.
As we manage employees, considering how we communicate difficult feedback is critical to ensuring an ongoing positive work relationship. Before we provide this feedback, it is important to prepare ourselves and the conversation ahead of the meeting.
We have several leadership development classes available before the end of the year. You can register for all courses inside Ignite through the Learning module tile.
Sleep, mental health, self-esteem, physical health and personal relationships are all impacted by financial insecurity, and nearly 1/3 of full-time employees who were surveyed admitted that financial insecurity has negatively impacted their productivity at work.

See which of your peers have been nominated for their "above and beyond" service in the month of August! Salutes may be submitted by colleagues, students or parents throughout the year. Nominate someone today!

Join Sharra Hynes, Ph.D., associate vice president and dean of students, in the first Baylor 101 webinar of this academic year as she delves into the many facets of student life, including New Student Programs, Campus Living and Learning and Student Activities. All Baylor 101 sessions are held virtually with live chat Q&A and recorded for your convenience.

Benefits for eligible Baylor faculty and staff, as of September 1, now include unlimited access to the leading network,, for finding and booking short- and long-term care for kids, seniors, pets, home, and more. We hope this new benefit will help take some of the stress out of finding great care for your loved ones.

The Gil Taylor Behavioral Health Series is a mental health speaker series aimed at increasing awareness, advocacy, and education around mental wellness. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about mental health and how we can best support one another in our campus community. Dr. Adia Gooden, licensed psychologist, author, podcaster, and presenter will headline this year's event with a Lunch and Learn and a Green Table Talk.

There's no better time to understand the future of your finances than now.
CAPTRUST provides Baylor faculty and staff with financial planning services at no cost. Make an appointment to meet with CAPTRUST individually so you can plan ahead.

The Office of Institutional Research is asking you to participate in Baylor's 2023 Campus Diversity Climate Survey which was recently sent to you. It should take about 15 minutes and is anonymous, unless you offer personally identifiable information. The questionnaire is distributed every three years and helps the University understand perceptions of respect, cooperation, diversity, belonging, and accessibility, among other matters. We invite you to visit the University's website on matters of diversity and belonging to see some of the forward steps we have taken.

Each year, through participation in the faculty and staff giving campaign, Our Baylor. Our Call to Lead., both current and retired Baylor employees send a compelling message to the Baylor Family. A message that says they believe in the future of the University as it not only makes a difference in students' lives, but in our Baylor community, and even the world. Learn more about how you can make a difference.

Boost your financial know-how with these TIAA hosted webinars. Learn about saving for retirement, checking in on your retirement plan, protecting yourself from fraud & scams, and more trending topics. These webinars are part of your retirement plan benefits. Register today!

Join us on Monday, September 18 starting at 3pm for our annual Fall Staff Meeting which will take place at the new Mark & Paula Hurd Welcome Center. Learn more about the details of this event and be sure to register for entry into a raffle prize drawing. We have lots planned and hope to see you there! Sic 'em Baylor Staff!

More changes in the Ignite Expenses Module are now available, as a result of the Spring Rapid Improvement Initiative to reduce the time and effort required to process an expense report. View the changes.

Baylor University Department of Public Safety is hosting a fun and educational event for campus safety awareness. Save the date on Wednesday, September 27 from 5pm-8pm at Fountain Mall for Baylor's annual Sic 'em for Safety Day. Sic 'em for Safety Day serves as an ongoing community-building opportunity to learn about emergency services, Baylor and local resources available and potential safety hazards.

On September 1, 2023, Baylor faculty and staff benefits will include unlimited access to the leading network for finding and booking short- and long-term care for kids, seniors, pets, home, and more. Whether your team members are looking for a nanny, babysitter, pet sitter, senior caregivers, or housekeeper - it can all be found on Care's network. We hope this new benefit will help take some of the stress out of finding great care for loved ones. Click on the headline of this article to learn more about this new resource.

Baylor University is blessed to have so many campus partners supporting Student Employment through the hiring and professional development of its students. In support of these efforts, beginning August 21, 2023, with the Fall 2023 Semester, Baylor University will reimburse departments up to 50% of federal wages paid from department accounts to Federal Work Study (FWS) student workers. Click on the headline of this article to learn more about this incentive.

As a part of the ongoing University commitment to promoting Spiritual Wellbeing among its employees a Spiritual Wellbeing Taskforce was created during the 2022-23 academic year. The Taskforce was charged with exploring the needs and opportunities for programming that would continue to nurture the faith of Baylor faculty and staff. In June 2023, the Taskforce presented its recommendations to members of the President's Council. While additional communication on the Taskforce's recommendations is anticipated this fall, we are excited to inform the Baylor Community about one particular item enthusiastically supported by the President’s Council that will begin September 1, 2023 - Spiritual Wellbeing Leave.

Earlier this month, Baylor announced that the annual Faculty and Staff Appreciation Night will take place on Saturday, October 14, 2023! This is a fun and FREE event for Baylor faculty and staff along with their immediate family members or a guest. As a manager, you can help set the stage for a great event! Click the headline of this article to find out how.

The Bible tells us "Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." - Isaiah 64:8. Do you recognize that you are the work of God? This month, we continue with the 6-part series on RightNow Media@Work, Managing Anxiety: Yours & Theirs by Steve Cuss. Session 3, Inner Critic, focuses on the inner voice in all of us that can criticize and hold us back from being all that God intended us to be. Log into RightNow Media@Work to access the video series. Click on the headline of this article to learn more.

In considering the approach to providing feedback it is important to remember the reason for delivering feedback in the first place. Productive employees embrace personal growth and desire honest and kind feedback. A great foundation to providing feedback lies within Ephesians 4:15: "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ." Click on the headline of this article to learn more about the differences.

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that one in five people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. Recognizing when an employee is requesting an ADA accommodation is a manager's responsibility. When an accommodation is required, it is important to remember that the process of developing and implementing accommodations is individualized. Read more.

The annual Student Employment Supervisor Training and Compliance Overview for 2023-2024 Academic Year is now live through the Ignite Learning Module. Read more.

If you are new to a leadership role or looking to further develop your leadership skills, Baylor offers numerous courses through Human Resources as well as online resources such as LinkedIn Learning and RightNow Media@Work. Click on the headline to read further.

Faculty who are interested in participating in the Faculty Retirement Program must submit interest via the online form by November 15, 2023. Additional information on the program retirement dates of May 2025 or May 2026 are available online.

Baylor University is proud to announce that in addition to the Black Faculty & Staff Association and the Latinx Faculty & Staff Association there are two new Employee Resource Groups joining the Baylor Family. We now have the Jewish Faculty & Staff Association and the Baylor Military-Connected Faculty & Staff Association. Click on the headline of this article to learn more and to see this year's fall welcome messages.

See which of your peers have been nominated for their "above and beyond" service in the month of July! Salutes may be submitted by colleagues, students or parents throughout the year. Nominate someone today!

Baylor is looking forward to hosting another Faculty and Staff Appreciation Night at McLane Stadium and Touchdown Alley on October 14, but we need your help! You get to be a part of the movie selection. In honor of Indy and Belle, this year's movie selections are animal themed. Please vote for the movie you'd like to see at this year's event with your Baylor Family. Sic 'em!

Internal Audit, in collaboration with OVPR, is pleased to announce upcoming improvements to the annual outside activities and interests disclosure process, formerly referred to as dual interests or conflicts of interest. Instead of completing the disclosure in Ignite as in prior years, full time Baylor faculty, staff, and researchers will complete their disclosures in a new system called CARA. The system will be live and available to accept disclosures on or about September 12. Stay tuned for more to come, including policy info, job aids, and training opportunities.

As final touches are being added to the Mark & Paula Hurd Welcome Center, Baylor faculty and staff are invited to see our newest multi-use facility during one of two open houses. On Monday, August 14 or Tuesday, August 15, between 2 and 4 p.m., you are encouraged to stop by for a complimentary Dr Pepper float (while quantities last) from the Varsity Coffee and Soda shop, explore the four iconic columns and browse the unique apparel options in the Spirit Shop – your Baylor discount does apply! Want to learn even more about the design and construction of the building? Be sure to join the upcoming All About The Hurd webinars. Vaughn Construction is this afternoon at 3 p.m. and Populous will be on August 17 at 1 p.m. Both will also be available on demand.

Boost your financial know-how with these TIAA hosted webinars. Learn about creating a retirement income plan, basic social security strategies, how to protect yourself from fraud & scams, and more trending topics. These webinars are part of your retirement plan benefits. Register today!

Save the date and register to join us the evening of Saturday, October 14 at McLane Stadium for appreciation of all you do for Baylor. More details to come later this month. We look forward to seeing you there. Sic'em!

Join us on September 18 starting at 3pm for our annual Fall Staff Meeting as an opportunity to discover the new Mark & Paula Hurd Welcome Center and engage with campus partners as well as see a showcase of employee benefit offerings. Be sure to register for this event. We hope to see you there!

Join us on August 29 at noon CST for a webinar and Q&A to learn more about the Progyny family building benefit. We are proud to partner with Progyny, a leading fertility and family building benefits solution. This benefit removes barriers to care so you and your doctor can create the customized treatment plan that is right for you.

As a part of the ongoing University commitment to promoting Spiritual Wellbeing among its employees, a Spiritual Wellbeing Taskforce was created in the 2022-23 academic year. In June 2023, the Taskforce presented its recommendations to members of the President's Council. While additional communication on the Taskforce's recommendations is anticipated this fall, we are excited to inform the Baylor Community about one particular item supported by the President's Council that will begin September 1, 2023.
Baylor continues to recognize the efforts of its employees by investing in base pay increases through the 2023 merit process. If eligible for merit, you can view your pay changes statement within Ignite as of July 18. Learn more by clicking on the headline of this article.

Baylor offers several dining venues on campus that employees and their spouses and dependent children can enjoy at discounted rates based on their faculty/staff status. Children ages 5 and under can eat at designated Baylor residential dining halls (Penland, Memorial, Brooks, East Village) at no cost. Learn more about campus dining options, locations, and discounts at this webpage.

As of Saturday, July 15, the new outdoor lightning warning system at Baylor became live. The warning system consists of a horn and strobe light. When lightning strikes within 8 miles of the device, an alert tone and strobe light activate to alert passersby to take precautionary safety measures. Click on the headline of this article for sample video clips and location of the lightning warning devices. BUDPS extends its appreciation to Baylor Athletics and Campus Recreation for their partnership!

A detailed email was sent on Friday, July 21 regarding the Employee Invitation to Self-Identify in support of our Equal Employment Opportunity employer efforts and to comply with requirements as a federal contractor. Self-identification is voluntary and confidential. If you were unable to access the Journey in Ignite on Friday, please try again this week as this Journey is currently assigned and active.

We are proud to partner with Progyny, a leading fertility and family building benefits solution. This benefit removes barriers to care so you and your doctor can create the customized treatment plan that is right for you. The benefit bundles all the individual services, tests, and treatments you may need into a Progyny Smart Cycle. Learn more.

Studies have shown that there is a positive correlation between employees who are meeting their wellbeing needs and employee productivity. In this article, managers will learn of resources that are available to support employee wellbeing. Click on the headline of this article to learn more.

On August 18, we are offering two different Leadership Lessons via Teams: Leadership Presence from 9:00am - 10:30am and Communicating as a Leader from 1:00pm - 2:30pm. Click on the headline of this article for more details.

The Bible tells us “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:6-7 (NIV) Have you ever wondered how to practically address anxiety in your own life? Click on the headline of this article as we continue with session 2, Chronic Anxiety, in the 6-part series Managing Anxiety: Yours & Theirs by Steve Cuss.

Managers at Baylor have a critical role in cultivating our Christian culture and preparing employees for long-term success. These responsibilities are compounded if you are a manager of other managers. We call these leaders Second-Level Managers. The management techniques used by 2nd-level managers differ from those of our front-line leaders. This article highlights those differences and offers tips for success. Click on the headline of this article to learn more.

Effective June 15, 2023, employees who travel domestically overnight on behalf of the University may request reimbursement for Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) utilizing Federal GSA (U.S. General Services Administration) rates. Click on the headline of this article to learn more.

A proven method that increases employee performance is timely reward and recognition. Specific ideas to recognize team members include sending thank you notes, posting an “Employee Honor Roll” in the reception area, or taking team members to lunch as a thank you. Click on the headline of this article to learn more.

When everyone is in-person or everyone is remote, it's much easier to create a consistent employee experience. However, with a mix of situations, managing the team becomes more challenging. Read this article to learn how you can better understand the challenges and expectations of leading a hybrid or remote team.

Baylor University offers benefits and resources that provide a “Mother-Friendly” worksite for its breastfeeding employees. Additionally, employees may review the University’s updated Lactation Accommodation Policy and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) Policy for additional information on the University’s support.

Did you know CAPTRUST offers Baylor faculty and staff with FREE financial planning services? Make an appointment to meet with CAPTRUST individually. Meet with an advisor today to prepare for your future.

See which of your peers have been nominated for their "above and beyond" service in the month of June! Salutes may be submitted by colleagues, students or parents throughout the year. Nominate someone today!

A few Central Texas schools are moving to a 4-day school week. The local resources in this document may provide potential alternatives for those needing additional childcare during these days. These programs are not affiliated with Baylor but were identified as local resources that could provide alternative childcare options as needed.

Join us for one of the great Baylor traditions, Move2BU, where we help our newest Baylor Bears physically move onto campus. You can sign up as an individual or as a department. Make plans now to be one of the 2,500 volunteers welcoming the newest Baylor Bears to campus and the Baylor Family on August 16 and 17. Sic'em Bears!

Baylor HR is here to assist you on your career journey. One of the best ways to get connected with the right people and the right resources is to visit this webpage. Here you can review policies, gain access to various resources, and connect with HR contacts as needed.

As you welcome new hires into your department, keep in mind that this is a pivotal time to help employees integrate into a team environment by equipping them with resources to succeed. Research in this area of hiring shows that when new employees have a successful onboarding, they become more committed to their role, have a greater connection to the mission of an organization, and are more productive in their work at an accelerated rate. Click on the headline of this article to learn more.

The transition to supervisor is one of the most difficult career transitions because leading others requires developing an all-new skill set. It requires shifting one's focus from managing yourself to setting expectations, motivating, resolving conflicts, holding others accountable, and getting work done through others. Click on the headline of this article to learn more.

As part of Baylor's commitment to a caring Christian community, the adoption assistance program helps families who are going through the adoption process. There are many ways leaders can support adoptive parents on their team. Read 5 Ways Leaders Can Support Adoptive Parents, an article written by Baylor Management Professors and Researchers.

The Bible tells us “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6 (NIV) Does anxiety get in the way of being the leader God intends you to be? Click on the headline of this article to learn more.

A key management best practice is holding regular, scheduled one-on-one meetings with each employee. While managers and their employees regularly meet and discuss work on an as needed basis, one-on-ones are a regular check in that allow stepping back from the immediate demands of daily work. Click on the headline of this article to learn more.

Effective June 15, 2023, employees who travel domestically overnight on behalf of the University may request reimbursement for Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) utilizing Federal GSA (U.S. General Services Administration) rates. Baylor Business Services underwent a highly collaborative process that engaged faculty and staff from a range of areas in evaluating the reimbursement process for individual domestic travel. Click on the headline of this article to learn more.